Ukrainian Mother Seeks Fresh Start in Edinburgh with Dreaming Daughter

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A Ukrainian mother, longing for a fresh start, is eyeing Edinburgh as the perfect city to fulfill her daughter’s long-held aspiration.

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34-year-old Nadia, hailing from a quaint village in Kherson, now under the shadow of Russian control amid the ongoing war, is set on relocating to Edinburgh with her daughter Eve, 16, who’s nurtured dreams of British life.

The duo presently resides in Zhytomyr, having fled the relentless bombings and military presence in Kherson. Nadia recounts her inability to leave Ukraine due to her ailing father’s condition.

In a twist of fate, Nadia’s father passed away in December 2023, deeply affecting Eve. This loss spurred Nadia’s resolve to move to Scotland’s historic capital for her daughter’s well-being, Edinburgh Live has learned.

“Eve’s been fascinated by British culture since she was little and has dedicated herself to mastering English,” Nadia says. “That’s why settling in Edinburgh is crucial for me. She’s enamored with the UK’s culture and language.”

“My daughter’s happiness trumps everything. The past couple of years inflicted deep psychological wounds on her. She’s barely out of childhood, and the thought of her anxiety worsening keeps me up at night.

“I’m set on giving her a chance at a peaceful, fulfilling future,” Nadia asserts.

Eve began experiencing panic attacks after her grandfather’s death. With no remaining family in Ukraine and friends scattered globally, Nadia feels the urgency to leave.

“We lived under Russian occupation in our village near Kherson for seven months, amidst constant terror,” Nadia recounts. “Leaving wasn’t an option due to my father’s frail health and inability to travel.”

She describes the psychological toll of living through blackouts, her father’s sickness, and his eventual demise.

Nadia also worries for her distant relatives and friends defending Ukraine, fearing the war’s end may never come.

“Many of my relatives and friends are fighting. The support we can muster seems insufficient to end the conflict swiftly. Sometimes, the fear that peace might never return is overwhelming,” Nadia admits.

“Our nation has been ravaged for two years. Countless deaths, untold suffering, and the loss of homes. While we cling to hope for victory, the cost and duration are mired in uncertainty,” she adds.

Nadia and Eve are currently seeking a home in Edinburgh through the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

The UK Government’s site details the program, enabling UK residents to house Ukrainians in need. It pairs individuals or families with UK hosts, requiring a minimum six-month housing commitment, a clean criminal record, and appropriate UK residency status.

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